Friday, September 16, 2005
Full of numbers
I felt so strange this morning that there were no scales at home! My first reaction was "damn...why did I decide that!". But then, I felt a weird sense of liberation. And right now I am feeling a bit like the cat that ate the mouse. Satisfied. Content.

But I had to measure something today. So I took the measuring tape. Here are the numbers darlings.


Weight: 88.6 kg
Chest: 105 cm
Waist: 89 cm
Abdomen: 104 cm
Hips: 114 cm
Thigh: 68.5 cm
Calf: 44.5 cm
Arm: 38 cm


Weight: 87.9 kg ( - 0.7 kg)
Chest: 103 cm (- 2 cm)
Waist: 88 cm (- 1 cm)
Abdomen: 103 cm ( - 1 cm)
Hips: 113 cm ( - 1cm)
Thigh: 67 cm ( - 1.5 cm)
Calf: 43 cm (- 1.5 cm)
Arm: 37 cm (- 1 cm)

Yesterday's steps with no intentional exercise were so few! 2.633! However, if this is the number of steps I take daily without any exercise, and since I was wearing the pedometer only during my walk to work and back, it means that I have been stealing a couple of thousands of daily steps from myself all last week. I will start wearing it all day long from monday, and will report the daily number here.

I do not know how I will feel on Monday about the absense of the scales. Or after a week. However I do know that I better get used to it. And I think it will be quite nice to see a big loss after a month instead of small losses each week.

I got to do my stuff here at work now. It has been raining constantly since yesterday. But I did walk to work and I did sing "Singing in the rain" by changing it to "Walking in the rain" for the whole 47 minutes! The sky seems to be clearing up a bit though, I hope my walk will be a bit drier on my way back! Tomorrow I have a girlfriends' baby's 1st bday to go to and on Sunday I got a christening to go to. But we plan to go to the beach on both days, even if it is for just a couple of hours!

Cheers :)

Posted by Argy at 11:43 am
Blogger Margaret said...

Good measurements. Try not to think about what the scales will say in a month. They will say what they say. And it is not a life sentence, just a snapshot of where you are that day.

Be kind to yourself. :)

1:21 pm

Blogger Shannin said...

That is great. It seems like you are starting to get into a routine. I hope you find that missing the scale is less stress for you...

3:59 am

Blogger theaddict said...

You have done exactly what I cannot do. I wish I had the guts to ditch my scale. I have stopped weighing myself every single day though. This was for my sanity.

I saw the most amazing green & white summer dress today in Portmans and have decided that when I weight 65 again I can buy it.

7:25 am

Blogger Cat said...

oooo a nice cm loss this month chiquita, well done :) lets get this thing rolling shall we? *takes Argys hand*

12:23 pm

Blogger Dee said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

3:14 pm

Blogger Dee said...

Sorry about that ^^ [hit the enter before I checked it]
Awesome at the measurements and you're braver then most @ ditching the scales! I just wanted to say what great progress you're making before I trail off into your archives and forget to congratulate the great loss!

Just Awesome ;D

3:16 pm

Blogger Tracy said...

Just catchin up - I actually rad you every day but rely have a chance to leave a comment. I absolutely love the cover of the Gourment magazine - thanks for haring it! Have a lovely, lazy Sunday Dearest A *hugs*

12:52 pm

Blogger Tracy said...

haring = sharing *blush*

12:53 pm

Blogger InsaneMind said...

that's a nice loss! :o) no wonder you're a hottie!
when i did manage to not focus on the scales (which is not now) i did it by solely focusing on beating myself. on going faster, longer. on getting fitter. it was more about beating my own "workout" record or finding another tasty recipe that was low-cal...! and the expressions on the faces of those who ate it! :oD

1:02 am

Blogger Kathryn said...

We are all so addicted to our scales, aren't we? I want to get rid of mine (well put them out of the way in my storage unit) but keep making excuses not to.

And oh, I envy your waist measurement - I have so much trouble losing from my middle.

4:11 pm


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About Me
I have spent all 36 years of my life loving life itself and this will never change. I am a great lover of the smallest things. I am addicted to smells and I attach them to people and events. It is impossible for me to wake up without ice in my coffee.

Age: 37
Height: 1.68 cm
SW: 130kg/286lbs
CW: 86 kg/189.2lbs
GW: 69 kg/151.8lbs
Lost: 44 kg/96.8lbs
Left: 17kg/37.4lbs

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