Thursday, July 29, 2004
Clothes & Best Salad Ever!!!!
Yesterday it was not a non-exercise day after all :) After work, my assistant and I went to the post office for yet another massive send of our congress brochures. We finished around 7.30 p.m. and she had the idea of going for safe window shopping. Safe because shops in Greece are closed on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.. So we walked around the shops for a bit less than an hour, and then she had to go, so I decided to walk some more, resulting in 45 minutes brisk walk. I am pleased with myself!

Then I went home, made a deliscious chicken dish for my husband, and my veggies too, when I had a great idea about dinner. So I went to find my old WW points tracker, and saw the points for the amount of yogurt I am usually having, then looked for the equivalent points for feta cheese, and here is the recipe:

Grilled zucchinis, red yellow and green bell peppers, onions and eggplants
Very ripe tomatoes
Fresh oreganon
Feta cheese
a little olive oil
balsamic vinegar

All these mixed together spell divinity in capital letters! OH! and! Thanks Linda for correcting me! Linda said that my veggies are oven baked and not grilled! Which is more precise indeed!

So we were discussing our days with my husband when I told him that I went window shopping with N. and he asked me if I saw something I liked. See, I don't know if I had say this before, but our initial holiday plans involved a 5 day shopping spree in Amsterdam. We went there in February and the sales and shopping was amazing. So my husband said that as a gift for my progress we would go back in August, where the sales are even better. However, due to the Olympics, plane tickets have gone up crazy. We paid 200 euros each for the tickets and now they cost 598 euros each! So we decided that paying almost 800 more euros to the tickets would steal from our shopping, and that we better go again in February. But he has been really sweet and always asks me to go shopping for new stuff so that I celebrate the loss I have had so far.

So yesterday, that the shopping streets were quiet, I had all the time to really check things out. And I have concluded something that has really stunned me!

I am so very picky!!!!!

I had forgotten that about me. See, shopping with only one basic parameter in mind, and that being finding something that actually and simply fits, had me forget about so many things and especially style!

And now it feels like a whole new experience. Because, first, there are  clothes that I never looked at as being unable to fit in. You know, capri pants, tank tops, cute feminine skirts in bright colours that their seam  doesn't necessarily touch my toes , high heel sandals, cute gym wear. And dresses! Oh god the dresses! As a morbidly obese woman I never looked at dresses. I would look like a huge sack of potatoes in one! But now, as a semi-obese woman, I have found myself eying those dresses knowing they will fit and most probably look nice too.

A whole new world to explore! Beware Visa!

Today I did only 25 mins in the treadmill. Still got cramps. But had breakfast, and got lunch with me too! And tonight it's boys night out, so I will have my veggies and read a couple of Vogue's and Elle's and Marie Claire's and enjoy feeling totally vein thinking ONLY about clothes and shoes! (shhhhhhhh....and undies as well ;o)

Posted by Argy at 12:25 pm
Blogger Shauna said...

wow you really explained that clothes shopping experience so perfectly... it's always about what fits when you're really large. i still have a tendency to grab the first thing that fits coz i'm convinced there won't be anything else.

your feta/vegie thing sounds loooovely! you should have a recipe section :)

4:09 pm

Blogger betsy said...

I was wondering what to make for dinner tonight, but now I know...YOUR RECIPE sounds DELICIOUS! I'll let you know how it turns out!! Thanks!

5:58 pm

Blogger Tracy said...

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11:15 am


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About Me
I have spent all 36 years of my life loving life itself and this will never change. I am a great lover of the smallest things. I am addicted to smells and I attach them to people and events. It is impossible for me to wake up without ice in my coffee.

Age: 37
Height: 1.68 cm
SW: 130kg/286lbs
CW: 86 kg/189.2lbs
GW: 69 kg/151.8lbs
Lost: 44 kg/96.8lbs
Left: 17kg/37.4lbs

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