Oright...Numbers first, shall we?
Weight: 88.1 (loss of 1.1 kg)
Steps: 53.670 (average of 10.000 on weekdays, meansly 3.670 on the weekend)
Points consumed: 158 (4 points over)
Sugar points: (14 - unfortunatelly all were consumed during the weekend)
I know there would have been a bigger loss if this weekend was not such a festive one. I ate more than I should yesterday and it certainly affected this morning's weigh in. How I know? Well, the scales were showing a 2 kg loss yesterday morning! But I really do not mind. Yesterday was such a perfect day, the food was part of the perfection and I am not at all sorry I was part of the mad gang!
We woke up to an amazing sunshine. I am not sure what is wrong with the weather, but it was around 22 C yesterday. It is close to this today too! So we got up, put on our dressing gowns, our sunglasses, and had a wonderful breakfast of pineapple, apples, pears, and freshly squeezed tangerines in the balcony, soaking on the sun. We took our shower and then got dressed, and met V and S in the main square of our neighbourhood and had iced espresso in the sun.
Then we went to my parents for half an hour to say hi, took a couple of containers with food (steamed wild greens, skewers with grilled sword fish, onions, tomatos, and peppers) then we passed from Angelos' parents (took another couple of containers with pumpkin fylo pie, and meatballs on lemon sauce and rice) and then we went and got our tree! And some more ornaments to add this year.
We got all the boxes with Christmas stuff from the basement, and by 5 in the afternoon the first Bill Crosby CD was on and the tree was also assembled. It took Angelos 3 hours to put the lights on. He does such a detailed job with the lights! Our tree is 2.20 meters high and it has 1200 lights on it! Anyway, our friends begun showing up around 8, and we all decorated the tree, drung too much eggnog, ate chinese I cooked, and chocolate covered almonds and chestnuts I also made.
Our livingroom this morning resembled a battlefield. Boxes, ribbons, garlands, angels, christmasy stuff is everywhere, plates, glasses, pots, and pans are scattered around the kitchen, but I really do not give a rats arse!
The feelings I shared with my husband and friends last night, the impromptu chinese cooked from scratch, the woodfire grilled chestnuts given to me by a very happy husband to dip in melted bitter Valhrona chocolate, and the beautiful christmas tree, with ornaments dated back to the first Christmas we ever spent together, are too precious for me to mind this morning when I was trying to go to the kitchen without hitting myself in all those boxes, or when I was trying to find a clean glass to put my coffee in.
My friend Sofia took a couple of pictures yesterday of the tree and us. If she emails them to me, I will post them here.
Now, lets get serious for this second week!
the photos were awful! and this one is so unfair to the lights, cos only in the bottom of the tree the real light is depicted. Could it be it was taken without flash? Oh I dunno...But most of the lights are put in the inside of the tree, close to the "tunk" so the light comes out but the little bulbs don't show, and this is not captured by the camera. Oh well, you know what that means eh? That I will have to do a series of photos of all decorations by the end of the week, when everything will be up! For now, just a bad picture of the good tree :) And how on earth can I post the pic on the bottom of the post still beats me!!!!
Whooo Hooooo. Congratulations on a great loss Argy. You are well and truely into the Spirit of Christmas and that goes to how you treat yourself too. As if you were a precious ornament. Meant to be enjoyed but taken care of.
Hope you have a wonderful day and I do hope you get the pictures soon. It sounds wonderful. I thought I was mad having 400 lights, but 1200 beats me. :D
12:53 pm
wow someones in the xmas spirit ;) sounds like you had a beautiful time with your friends, so beautiful there is n o reason to care about the mess *hugs* and well done on your get back on track loss this week!
2:19 pm
oooh sounds very festive. you are the greek martha stewart ;) except with heaps more personality!
congrats on the big loss!
(any chance of the pumpkin fylo recipe? ;)
5:22 pm
The tree still looks beautiful even if the pic doesn't do it justice :)
I cannot have a tree this year, Pita would have it down while I was at work...else I'd find him stuck to the tree in the lights, LOL.
Sent your card, on Friday...hopefully Canada to Greece doesn't take til after the 25th to get there!
5:55 pm
Oh yeah! BTW, NICE loss :)
5:55 pm
What a gorgeous tree! I haven't put mine up yet. :( Also a very very good loss! Congrats.
12:42 pm
What a beautiful tree! I'd have to get rid of my treadmill in order to put one up but I'm thinking about getting a new treadmill for downstairs in my bedroom anyway, so perhaps it's time. I miss all of my beautiful ornaments and the lovely smell of fresh tree!!!
12:38 am
What a fun night! The tree looks beautiful, regardless of the light. I don't mind a morning after mess if the night was a blast...
2:48 am
Just wanted to say hi! I love reading what's going on in Argy's world, though haven't been able to comment much recently. Take care, and have a wonderful weekend (maybe with some homemade truffels :))
11:19 am
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