Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Day 9
Yesterday was even harder. You would think that as the days go by this would become easier, if not easier, at least that I grew accustomed to it and stop cpmplaining. But I was seriously craving yesterday. And if I tell you what I was craving for, you will think I have totally lost it. My mind that is ;p

I was craving for a green salad with balsamic vinegar. I was cutting fresh greens to make Angelos a huge container for salad to last him a few days at work, and as I was cutting each type of green (roman lettuce, kos lettuce, white cabbage, purple cabbage, rocket, fresh spearmint, fresh basil, drill, parsley, shallots, red peppers, green peppers, carrots, green apples, sun dried tomatoes, portobella mushrooms) the smells of them got to me, and I begun drooling over the greens, thinking of how tasty all those different aromas would feel in a mouthful, actually feeling them sleek in my mouth from the olive oil, and then I actually smelled the balsamic vinegar, its sweetness mixed with its acidity, I could feel it in my mouth, tickling my pallete and I was feeling soooo miserable.

Surely I should feel proud for resisting, but I did not. Feel proud I mean. I felt more miserable and this morning I woke up and realised I still feel miserable about it. I was making my coffee in the kitchen and I was staring at the balsamic vinegar bottle all the time, still drooling. I swear, I could have drunk it right from the bottle!

Now, if I was craving pizza, or ice cream, or pitta gyros, or after eights, I wouldn't be worried. This would have been ok. This would have been a normal crave. But yesterday I felt weird. I remebered one time I was trying Atkins, and woke up at 3 am, went to the kitchen, ate 3 oranges, and went straight back to sleep. I was craving fruit so badly when on Atkins - and I am not a big fruit eater during the winter and not too fond of oranges either - that this was more my body aching for it than my mind playing tricks with my diet.

I am going to call my med and go see him the sooner he can fit me in his schedule. Because I do not want to wake up in the middle of the night and go drink that balsamic vinegar straight from the bottle!

And I weighed in this morning and it shows 300 gr more than yesterday. Now how is this going to make me feel good about resisting the green salad with the balsamic vinegar last night is beyond my imagination! I know I am having my period and that is probably my body playing with its fluids, but I still don't know how this is going to make me feel good!

What made me feel good though was your sweet comments! You girls made me blush over and over again! Please stop calling me a greek goddess because I am faaaaaaaaaar from that! I feel good about the 37 kilos I have lost though. Sometimes, when I have a "slim" day, I feel like a million euros. But then, I have many "fat" days that make me feel like the deficit of a million euros...lol

Right, now I got to go get ready for work. And boil my rice. And brocolli and carrots. With no balsamic vinegar still. Not that it goes wrll with brocolli and carrots. But I could still have had balsamic vinegar with ice instead of coffee this morning. I can still smell it each time I type it. B A L S A M I C V I N E G A R. *sigh*

Posted by Argy at 8:39 am
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, what an odd craving! but it's a pretty darn healthy one eh? sounds like you're just craving some damn flavour :)

your salads sound amazing! all those herbs and leaves, wow! and you put an apple in it too? that sounds really nice... if you made the Silverella Cookbook I would SO buy that! i keep meaning to go back through your blog and copying all the recipes you've mentioned :)

hang in there!
- dg

11:43 am

Blogger Steffany said...

I'm sorry that I've been gone so long, but it was certainly fun to catch up by reading through your chronicle of day-by-day detoxing. It seems as you go (I worked my way back from day 1) that your senses and your imagination are coming more and more alive. I love that you're doing this, and I wish you the very best of luck in the process! Keep up the wonderful work, you inspiring Greek goddess! :) Thanks for staying so true to something that's important to your health and future.

10:27 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmmmmmm it's 9.25am and I'm thinking about a gorgeous salad with olive oil and (that yummy stuff starting with b.v. that we won't mention) LOL I only finished my crumpets 2 hrs ago! Keep at it, Silverella! you've come so far, you know you will be delighted with the results when you have finished - and then you can eat all the fabulous salads your heart desires. Now I have to go to a meeting and I'll be thinking about the delicious food-picture you painted mmmmmmm
have a good day

Remember, living well is the best revenge

12:31 am


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About Me
I have spent all 36 years of my life loving life itself and this will never change. I am a great lover of the smallest things. I am addicted to smells and I attach them to people and events. It is impossible for me to wake up without ice in my coffee.

Age: 37
Height: 1.68 cm
SW: 130kg/286lbs
CW: 86 kg/189.2lbs
GW: 69 kg/151.8lbs
Lost: 44 kg/96.8lbs
Left: 17kg/37.4lbs

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