Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Abolish the "Gonna Club"
This is what I decided last night.

To abolish the "Gonna Club". I decided that I do not want to be a member of that club anymore. And I need your help. And your contribution. And your commitment too.

But let me tell you first what the "Gonna Club" is.

Think of the following situations:

  1. You sit in your sofa late at night and you think ... tomorrow I'm gonna wake up early and go to the gym first thing in the morning.
  2. You sit in a table with friends in your favourite restaurant and think... I'm gonna refuse dessert.
  3. You go grocerry shopping in the supermarket and while you park your car you think... I'm gonna buy healthy food only, lean meats and greens and fruits and grains.
  4. You go shopping for clothes and see a gorgeous skirt size 12 and think.... I'm gonna be able to wear this one day
  5. You get off the shower and are in a rush and think... tomorrow I'm gonna apply body lotion because I have no time today

Possible continouation of the previous situations can very well be:

  1. You stay in the sofa too long because the movie is great and your honey is cuddling up with you oh so devinely, and you go to bed long after midnight, where the cuddling evolves and you don't get to sleep before 2 a.m. The alarm goes on at 6 am but god you are so tired, you hit snooze a few times, and then reschedule your alarm for 8 am, with just enough time to shower and go to work
  2. You are so proud of your self with your main course order, grilled fish with steamed greens, that when the lemon sorbe arrives, you think of it as a low fat kind of dessert, plus you want to wash out this fishy taste of your mouth, so you are oh so good and restrain by eating half of it.
  3. And while in the supermarket, with your cart full of healthy goods, you see a wonderful discount on your husband's favourite turkish delights, and you buy two boxes, because you want to be a good wife and that, and you end up eating 3 of them in 3 days. But hey! You could have eaten the whole box (package included) so you still feel good...cos after all...you're gonna workout harder tomorrow!
  4. And you pass the size 12 skirt, heading for the comfortable 16, which is not the usual 22 you used to wear, and definetely, one day, you will fit in a 12, because, remember?!. You are gonna eat brilliantly tomorrow!
  5. And tomorrow you wake up just early enough for your 20 minutes in the treadmill, you quick shower, your banana on your way out breakfast, and still no time for body lotion, but hey! You're gonna take a long bath with salts and scrubs and body masks during the weekend!

This has been me in general the last couple of months. With a few shinny examples of actually realising my "gonna's", but a few alltogether.

So I decided I am not going to be a Gonna Club Member anymore. The sooner I realise that all I have for sure is the present, the better the future will be. It has to be inserted in my brain. Current choises win the battle. Not future ones. It is all about now. This afternoon. This day. Surely I do not mean to be perfect. Surely perfection is beyond my lead. But I can try. We all can! So, here comes the part I need your help, contribution and commitment, if you want to share this challenge with me.

My mom is checking in the hospital tomorrow for her cystoscopy and biopsy. So from tomorrow till Thursday I will be in the hospital with her. But Friday starts the challenge and I want you with me, if you feel like sharing a little adventure. Here is the scheme.

I will have to write down every day in my little notebook (have I told you I am super excited that Moleskin notebooks have finally reached Greece, so I get to buy them myself and not beg my friends that go abroad to bring me some?!) all the "I'm gonna" thoughts that cross my mind, the ones related to weight loss of course. And I will post them here for a week. And I will have to also post the course of action taken - or not.

Then for this week, I will also do a little training too. The first " gonna " thought that comes to my mind has to be realised instantly. Even for a short amount of time. For instance, if I think "I'm gonna spend some extra time in the treadmill tomorrow" I will have to get up, take the stairs, get out in the street, and walk, even if it is for 5 minutes.

I have yet once felt that I have slowed down with the process. Being perfect 5 days of the week and not-so-perfect-to-totally-blow-it the remaining two does nothing to me but maintaining. I have learned the maintenance trick very well me thinks. There is just one problem. Last night I asked myself, honestly and with sincerity, if this is what I want. Because you have to want something for it to be feasible. So I asked Argyro, while looking at her in the mirror, with just undies on, Darling, is this what you want to maintain for the rest of your life? And she replied, with equal honesty and sincerity, No, I do not want to maintain 90 kilos for the rest of my life. I want to loose 20 kilos and maintain 70 healthy kilos for the rest of my life, 80 at the most during my pregnancy. She told me that she is not "gonna to" from now on. She will just do it!

I trust her to try her best. Do you want to join in the challenge?

Posted by Argy at 1:41 pm
Anonymous Anonymous said...

very well said argy! especially the bit about talking to yourself in the mirror. you're so right, we have a choice between maintaining or giving that extra effort that's needed to get to the goal.. i think i have been doing your 5 days good/weekend blowout thing, hence a year of maintenance... sigh! (dg)

2:57 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi argyro. good luck on your new plan. i have been reading your blog for a while now and i think it is cool. i have some weight to lose too, i just feel like i need a new jumpstart! {shivan}

2:06 am

Blogger Denise said...

I'm in your corner, cheering you on! You know you can and I know that you will, too.


8:41 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Current choices win the battle. Not future ones"

WELL SAID ARGY!!! I love that and yes, we are all in this together.

Lynda - www.geocities.com/scottygirl_1

10:40 pm


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About Me
I have spent all 36 years of my life loving life itself and this will never change. I am a great lover of the smallest things. I am addicted to smells and I attach them to people and events. It is impossible for me to wake up without ice in my coffee.

Age: 37
Height: 1.68 cm
SW: 130kg/286lbs
CW: 86 kg/189.2lbs
GW: 69 kg/151.8lbs
Lost: 44 kg/96.8lbs
Left: 17kg/37.4lbs

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