Thursday, February 23, 2006
Weird gain and lack of chicken
I have been eating brilliantly since Monday. I have been cooking everynight. There will definetely be a cooking galore post on this neglected place during the weekend. I havenot gone over 22 points and the only "sweet thing"I have are sugarless slices of dry pineapple and papaya.

So you understand that after 3 days, one would expect to get on the scales and see a small difference. I slept so well last night, I was home earlier than ever, at 8:00 in the evening, cooked dinner, ate it before Angelos came home cos I was too ravenous to wait till 10:00, and by 11:00 i was in bed asleep. So got up at 7 today before the alarm rung, all refreshed and then got on the scales. Up 1.2 since Monday?!? I am not ovulating, I am not expecting my period, I have not done any vigorous weights to have my muscles to blame for this. This totally pissed me off and also is so very unexplainable!!!

It freaking terrifies me to see anything more than 89 in the scales. It makes me shake, it makes me want to go to extremes. And I can understand it when it is deserved because I induged. But I have been eating so well!!!! Its so unfair!!!!

I think my poor body must be in shock with three meals a day and 2 snacks, after weeks and weeks with just coffee and dinner. Do you know I am hungry all the time? I eat breakfast around 8 and then, by noon I start checking my clock to see what time it is because my stomach growl. And no way I can eat later than 9 in the evening, I come too close to getting a Ms Pacman if I go past that time.

It has been at least 2 months since we ate any chicken. I got tortured by wonderful chicken recipes sent to me recently. I have been following the avian flu madness very closely, and we got 4 possitive samples here in Greece a couple of weeks ago.

We have been eating organic/free range cickens for the last 3 years. There is no way I will eat the other birds. The non organig ones, that pop out of their eggs and after 21 days are ready to be in the butchers shop. The poor birds that are all day under immense light so they never sleep and constantly eat powdered sardines, or the intenstinesof their brothers and sisters pureed and then dried. But then, the free range chickens are the most dangerous category for the avian flu. The two organic shops we shop from do not carry them any more. They say they wait for the madness to go away.

But it is difficult when you are a carnivore like me to not eat chicken and be on a diet. Chicken is the easy thing. Clean protein, million ways to cook it, easy and versatile too.I so miss chicken! Plus it costs me more to buy lean pieces of beef or pork.

What is wrong with me today eh? I have not stopped complaining about this and that for the whole duration of this post!!!

Today is a holiday in Greece. Not the kind of holiday you take a day off work unfortunately. More of a traditional thing. It is called Tsikno - pempti. Tsikna in greek is the smoke that gets out of bbq with this deliscious smell of meat grilling. And pempti is thursday. This is the day that each and every Greek goes out in the evening and eats grilled meats: steaks, lampchops, burgers, you name it. It is a religious thing, since we have the Lent coming up soon. I am considering fasting for the whole 40 days till Easter. It will be this or back to my holistic for the regular detox. The last couple of years I always do a good cleanising end of February, beginning of March. It lasts six weeks and has a rough first 3 weeks, but then itgets easier. For the first three weeks the eating plan is hard on you babe:

breakfast: boiled red apple and 1 tsp of organic cow yoghurt
lunch: basmati rice with brocolli, onions, carrots, olive oil
dinner: baked veggies with yoghurt, or boiled apples with yoghurt
half an apple before and after lunch and dinner
no water or other liquid 1 to 2 hrs before and after any meal

But the worst of all is the chinese herbs I have to boil and drink twice a day. They smell and taste like dirty socks!

Have I told you I have stopped wearing foundation in my face for a month now? It makes me look younger ;)

I think I better get to the shower now.This post cannot be any more incoherent!!!!

Posted by Argy at 8:05 am
Blogger Margaret said...

I cannot begin to understand the impact of Avian Flu when we still have good chicken supplies available. Though it does make me think that perhaps I should buy and cook and freeze lots of it in case we run into problems.

Bugger about the gain but it has only been 3 days. Make sure you wait the entire week to count a proper weight. Our bodies are very strange (a fact you know only too well) and as long as you know you have done all the right things you will have to ignore the scales this week and keep going so that the numbers will be more kind next week.

I had forgotten about Lent. We normally are very relaxed about giving something up (Mark is Catholic and I am not) but this year I think I may give it some thought and give it some meaning.

Thanks for the reference to Bulgur. I am off to read it thoroughly.

Μπορείτε να δοκιμάσετε πάλι:

(Just in case I got it completely wrong the above is meant to say "Have a great day".)

9:46 am

Blogger Cat said...

wohoo body cleansing! rock that detox ;) im scared of chicken too now with avian flu in germany & poland... we are surrounded!! its ok though, investing in beans will help us get that low fat high quality protein. beans are goooood. the musical fruit!

lovies xoxox

12:18 pm

Blogger Cinders said...

Does Margarets message say, "you may taste it again?" very funny...

That is such a strict detox. You are very brave. I think I may 'nistepsi' for more than 3 days this year. That will shock my parents. Easter is my danger period of the year. Last year I froze most of the 'kouloras' so I didn't eat them all in a week.

Don't let the gain dishearten you. Persist and then weigh next week.


1:18 pm

Blogger Tracy said...

Maybe your body is just getting used to being fed regularly, and needs time to adjust? Starvation is no good either! Not wearing foundation makes one look younger huh? Oh I'll try tomorrow :D

2:56 pm

Blogger theaddict said...

I am hungry all the time too! All The Time.

12:33 am

Blogger Mary said...

Sounds like you are doing fantatic on the food front and I think the times you say you get hungry are the normal times you probably should be hungry.

I don't know if this will help you but my typical times for eating are:

6-8am Breakfast
10am Snack
12pm Lunch
3pm Snack
6pm Dinner
8pm Cup of Tea
10-11pm Bed

I find if I eat something every couple of hours, I don't get hungry and keep my stamina. I also make sure I don't eat 4 hours before going to bed. If I do, I have a crap sleep and wake up with food still in my belly *urgh*.

Oh and planning is the key and saying no matter what, "This is when I need to eat. I will not wait until I'm not busy because I'll always be busy".

How about exercise babe, how are you going on that front? Just trying to figure out where the gain is coming from. Are you doing enough cardio, on purpose?

Don't get too caught up on that weigh in. Just keep doing your best and it'll all come good :-)

9:36 pm


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About Me
I have spent all 36 years of my life loving life itself and this will never change. I am a great lover of the smallest things. I am addicted to smells and I attach them to people and events. It is impossible for me to wake up without ice in my coffee.

Age: 37
Height: 1.68 cm
SW: 130kg/286lbs
CW: 86 kg/189.2lbs
GW: 69 kg/151.8lbs
Lost: 44 kg/96.8lbs
Left: 17kg/37.4lbs

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