Friday, February 18, 2005
There is not a closet or a drawer in this house that is not clean and in order! I know EXACTLY where everything is right now! I am just SOOOOOOO happy about it!!! I meant to do it forever, but it just happened today! I started from my spices, because I bought some new stuff and was looking for small jars to put them (I usually buy spices from a special shop that sells them by the quantity you want, because I just adore the huge bags with spices everywhere and the ritual of taking the small bag and filling it yourself :). And it sort of evolved from there.

I first did the kitchen closets and drawers, then the study, then our bedroom, and then all the other drawers in the living room and dinning room. I rearrange some things in the kitchen too! And threw away each and very cracked, mismatching, and yucky plate,glass, pot, etc, and all the i-will-find-the-lid-of-this-one-day-so-lets-keep-it-containers, tons of empty marmalade jars I kept just in case!.

I filled all the cut from magazines etc recipes. Threw away old sous vers, old sous plats! I actually have free space!!!! I threw away old magazines, old reciepts, old work diaries.

I have 4 HUGE garbagge bags full for Angelos to take out when he returns. Oh he is going to fall in love with me all over again when he is back. He always bugs me to do this together and I always find excuses to not do it.

But today it just happened!

And all is left now is my almost done clothes closet, but this takes more inspiration than I have

And of course, I found last year's Amsterdam pictures! I'm just sorry I don't have this year's pictures at home. I took them to work to scan them yesterday, though I did not actually scanned them due to the madness happening. But I will on Monday :)

And I have been doing this work since 10.30 and it is past 17.30 now!

Now excuse me, but I think I deserve a nap!

Posted by Argy at 5:27 pm
Blogger Jaime said...

Congrats! That's the kind of cleaning I hate to do, but it always feels so good when you're done!

8:01 pm

Blogger Jaime said...

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8:01 pm

Blogger theaddict said...

I did a lot of cleaning yesterday, but I'm really bummed about the rainy weather since I cant get all my clothes dry. Oh well. You do deserve a nap. I'm thinking of having myself one now.

6:29 am

Blogger kimba said...

Oh bravo (how do you say that in Greek? heh) on getting your house 'sorted'. That's actually the kind of cleaning I don't mind doing - much better than dusting or scrubbing the bathroom, ugh - but I never seem to get around to it. now you've inspired me - I think I'd better get off the PC and go sort out the laundry at least :D

8:01 am


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About Me
I have spent all 36 years of my life loving life itself and this will never change. I am a great lover of the smallest things. I am addicted to smells and I attach them to people and events. It is impossible for me to wake up without ice in my coffee.

Age: 37
Height: 1.68 cm
SW: 130kg/286lbs
CW: 86 kg/189.2lbs
GW: 69 kg/151.8lbs
Lost: 44 kg/96.8lbs
Left: 17kg/37.4lbs

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